图书推荐-Redis Cookbook
时间:2012-2-23 作者:smarteng 分类: 图书推荐
- Redis Cookbook
- 出版社: O'Reilly Media
- 平装: 76页
- 正文语种: 英语
- ISBN: 1449305040
- 条形码: 9781449305048
- 商品尺寸: 23.3 x 17.8 x 0.4 cm
- 商品重量: 141 g
- ASIN: 1449305040
Two years since its initial release, Redis already has an impressive list of adopters, including Engine Yard, GitHub, Craigslist, and Digg. This open source data structure server is built for speed and flexibility, making it ideal for many applications. If you're using Redis, or considering it, this concise cookbook provides recipes for a variety of issues you're likely to face.
Each recipe solves a specific problem, and provides an in-depth discussion of how the solution works. You'll discover that Redis, while simple in nature, offers extensive functionality for manipulating and storing data. Learn when it makes sense to use Redis Explore several methods for installing Redis Connect to Redis in a number of ways, ranging from the command line to popular languages such as Python and Ruby Solve a range of needs, from linked datasets to analytics Handle backups, sharding, datasets larger than available memory, and many other tasks

- 使用Erlang的OTP框架创建应用
- php 使用curl模拟登录discuz以及模拟发帖
- 腾讯QQ、阿里旺旺、淘宝、MSN在线状态代码生成
- 新浪微博错误代码解析
- erlang程序设计笔记
- 《HTML 5与CSS 3权威指南》权威的HTML5与CSS3实战教程
- dedecms修改数据库密码配置文件
- 服务器优化小记--Etag和Expires
- 在PHP5中使用PHPMailer发送邮件
- PHP中冒号、endif、endwhile、endfor介绍
- PHP框架——ThinkPHP
- QQ登陆成功返回openId后与网站绑定
- Mediawiki的配置和修改方法
- 使用Golang的官方mock工具--gomock、mockgen
- 用yaf-codes-generator 生成代码
- MacOs 电脑关闭/打开IPV6
- MySQL中datetime和timestamp的区别
- C++声明结构
- 如何保证数据库和缓存的一致性
- 优雅的golang日期时间处理库go-carbon
- API接口纪要
- 解析 Golang 测试(11)- 模糊测试
- 解析 Golang 测试(10)- 什么是好的单测
- 解析 Golang 测试(9)- 一篇文章搞懂 testify
- 解析 Golang 测试(8)- gomonkey 实战
- 解析 Golang 测试(7)- 如何针对 Redis 进行 Fake 测试
- 解析 Golang 测试(6)- 如何针对 MySQL 进行 Fake 测试
- 解析 Golang 测试(5)- MySQL 经典 mock driver—— sqlmock
- 解析 Golang 测试(4)- 一篇文章教你分清 Mock,Stub,Fake
- 解析 Golang 测试(3)- goconvey 实战
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